Year of Her Age (1998 – 2002)

Year of Her Age is work that mines the terrain of memory, secrets, and cycles of time. It emerged from two distinct strands of investigation: a decade of collecting the clapping chants, jump rope rhymes, and fortune telling games of childhood, and a more recent obsession with gravestones. Both mediums, one characterized by ambiguous predictions about the future, the other offering more permanent summations of the past, provided the mysteriously cryptic semi-narratives that served as inspiration and raw material. Using video installation, text and digital imagery, I pay particular attention to those aspects of our lives and thoughts that are hidden, the narratives that frighten or embarrass, the secrets we take to the grave. For in graveyards we encounter our most ephemeral history.

Year of Her Age Bergen Fugit Hora Cross My Heart
In the Year of Her Age Kors på halsen Fugit Hora Cross My Heart
year 190 v2 Rise Sally Rise gabrielle spin
Down in the Valley Rise Sally Rise Quasi Lapis Spin
Virtuous Consort
Virtuous Consort