Participating Archives

Each of the archive organizations in this section has participated in Migrating Archives in some way. My outreach started in 2012 at the international ALMS conference (Archives, Libraries, Museums and Special Collections) that took place in Amsterdam. I invited organizations around the world to select “Delegate Archives” to represent them: images and text representing the artifacts of one or two individuals whose lives are commemorated in their collections. Twenty-three organizations responded.

I narrowed this down for the 2013 exhibit at the GLBT History Museum in San Francisco, and have recently added a new archive: The Leslie Lohman Museum in New York. Each of the links in this section tells a little about the archive organization, and shows some of the materials they shared with me and allowed me to reproduce. For the Archivi Migranti / surrogates from elsewhere exhibit in Bologna, I reconnected with these organizations to decide on a metaphorical gift that I could fabricate to travel from their geographical location to Bologna. The gifts are pictured on the Archivi Migranti project page. In addition, I gathered quotes and words from each archive to weave a conversation between archived subjects

Adarna-logo2 Logoaustrailian22 LogoSusanDanielssm-190x35
Adarna Food and Culture Restaurant

The Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives

The Fonds Suzan Daniel

GALA-Logo3 GLBTHistoric_Society1 gwl-logo

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Transgender
Historical Society

Glasgow Women’s Library

Hall-Carp2 cdc3 labrisz_logo_web3
Hall-Carpenter Archives

Il Cassero and Centro di Documentazione

Labrisz Lesbian Association

Print NationalArchivesV2-190x44 RuLogoV2-190x48
The Leslie Lohman Museum

The National Archives

Basic CMYK    
Virginia Commonwealth
University Libraries